Directed by : Alex Mayenfisch

Genre : Documentary

Duration : 45′

Year : 1995

Original version : French

Subtitles : German

Half of the glory

In the early ’50s, Everest took center stage: the conquest of the Earth’s mythical third pole was on the agenda. The opportunity to organize the first post-war attempt fell to the Swiss Foundation for Alpine Exploration. It entrusted the mission to a group of Genevan mountaineers from the Androsace mountain club. On May 27, 1952, they reached the summit within two hundred meters, but the expedition had to turn back. What looked like a failure was not. The Swiss opened up a passage into a region where no one had ever been before, the southern slope of Everest. When, the following year, the English finally reached the summit via the “Genevois” route, the British expedition’s first gesture was to send them a telegram that read: “To you a good half of the glory”. 40 years after their exploit, the actors of this exceptional adventure retrace their epic with images from the film made during the expedition.


Directed by : Alex Mayenfisch

With the collaboration of : Claude Muret

Images : Camille Cottagnoud

Sound : Bastien Moëckli

Editing : Alex Mayenfisch

Sound mix : Thierry Peterbuger

Postproduction : Stéphane Goël

Production : Climage, Alex Mayenfisch

Financial support : RTS, Loterie romande, Fondation suisse pour les explorations alpines.

© 1995 CLIMAGE 

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