Directed by : Valeria Stucki

Genre : documentary

Duration : 80′

Year : 2026

Original version : Allemand

Subtitles : French

The Objects Council

One of Switzerland’s most important regional museums, the Chüechlihus in Langnau, Emmental, is de-collecting. It’s getting rid of part of its collection to make room in its depot, a fallout shelter covering over 1,500m2 and brimming with objects from yesteryear, often in multiple identical copies. Does this apple-peeling machine, this umpteenth chisel or this illegible engraved oil lamp still deserve to be preserved? To prevent these objects from simply going into the landfill, people from all over the world are putting themselves forward as candidates, with reasons to back them up, to collect them. Opposite them, an “Objects Council”, formed for the occasion from the citizens of Langnau, debates their allocation.

This documentary is a humorous journey to the heart of a painstaking collective decision-making process that may seem laughable, but which tells us what we are prepared to forget about our history, and what we hold on to.


Directed by : Valeria Stucki

Editing : Antonio Trullén Funcia

Production : Pascaline Sordet, Climage

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